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Batch save images into a new format via PowerShell

Use a PowerShell script to copy all images in a directory and save them into a different image file format.

I recently had a directory full of JPG images which I needed to convert into PNG format. Whilst I could open Adobe Photoshop and process the images one-by-one, batch-processing using PowerShell seemed like it would be more efficient.

To achieve my goal I used the following script, which is adapted from The Scripting Guy:

function ConvertImage{
	param ([string]$path)
		$path="c:\path\to\files" #path to files
	if (Test-Path $path)
#Load required assemblies and get object reference
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
    foreach($file in (ls "$path\*.jpg")){
        $convertfile = new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap($file.Fullname)
        $newfilname = ($file.Fullname -replace '([^.]).jpg','$1') + ".png"
        $convertfile.Save($newfilname, "png")
    Write-Host "Path not found."
};ConvertImage -path $args[0]

Before execution, the script needs to be customised via the following steps:

Step 1: Choose the path

For this script to work, $path needs to be defined in MS DOS format.

Step 2: Define the image type

Adjust the code to reflect the image type that is being targeted (in my case, .jpg).

foreach($file in (ls "$path\*.jpg"))

This script uses System.Drawing.Bitmap which permits conversion to or from BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WMF formats.

Step 3: Define the image type

Adjust the code to reflect the change in file extension from .jpg to .png (or whichever the target format is)

$newfilname = ($file.Fullname -replace '([^.]).jpg','$1') + ".png"

Step 4: Define the file extension

Adjust the code to reflect the change in file extension from .jpg to .png (or whichever the target format is)

$convertfile.Save($newfilname, "png")

Step 5: Execute the script

The new images will progressively appear in the same directory as the old.



5 responses to “Batch save images into a new format via PowerShell”

On 27 August 2021, RandoInternatGai wrote: Hyperlink chain icon

I had to change the save line to look like this to use the system typed value: $convertfile.Save($newfilname, [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::PNG)


On 5 November 2021, Simon Jackson wrote: Hyperlink chain icon

don’t you want to discard the ‘convertfile object and then delete the original jpg’?


On 19 February 2022, Luis Cova wrote: Hyperlink chain icon

How can i save an image in BMP 16 bits format?.
I managed to save it as BMP (24 bits by default), but how can i change ti 16 bit BMP?


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