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Access Virtual Application files via the Q-drive

A simple technique to obtain access to the virtual environment (Q-drive) of an application in Microsoft Windows.

I recently needed to identify the location of some files associated with a software programme accessed via Microsoft’s Application Virtualisation Client (App-V).

App-V enables IT professionals to make applications available to end users without installing the applications directly on their computers. App-V transforms applications into centrally managed services that are never installed and don’t conflict with other applications.

Here’s how I was able to locate the files on an otherwise hidden and inaccessible Q-drive:

Step 1: Execute the programme

In order to access the folder for a particular programme, you will need to execute that programme first. (This establishes permissions).

Step 2: Open the Command Prompt

Open the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and type the following command:

sftmime /query obj:app /short

Press enter. A short list of Microsoft Application Virtualisation (App-V) applications will be listed. Find the application that you’re interested in.

Step 3: Access the Q-drive

Let’s say that you want to access the directory for Adobe Photoshop CS5

To access the directory of your application via the Windows Explorer, type the following command and press enter. Replace the software name with the programme that you wish to target, ensuring that it is typed exactly as it appears in the previous output.

sfttray /EXE explorer.exe /launch "Adobe Photoshop CS5"

Windows Explorer will open with access to the directory hosting the targeted virtual application. Navigate to Q:\ via the address bar.

To access the directory of your application via the Windows Command Prompt, type the following command and press enter.

sfttray /EXE cmd.exe /launch "Adobe Photoshop CS5"

A new Command Prompt window will open.

To access the directory of your application via PowerShell, type the following command and press enter.

sfttray /EXE powershell_ise.exe /launch "Adobe Photoshop CS5"

Windows PowerShell will open.



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