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Working with Fixed Headers in CSS

Lots of websites use fixed headers as part of their design, but there are often unintended consequences to implementing such a design element.

I recently chose to implement a fixed header (specifically, a navigation pane) on this website. I use <nav> tags to wrap the navigation elements, as per the HTML specification. Here, I will describe the practical steps to fix my navigation header and make it work across my website.

As a background, pages on my website are generally structured as follows:

  <div class="skiptocontent>
   <!-- Accessibility -->
   <a href="#content">Skip to content</a>
   <!-- Navigation elements -->
   <!-- Header elements for sub-sites -->
    <!-- Main content -->
   <!-- Footer content -->

It’s important to note that not all pages have <header> tags; just my blogs and sub-sites, such as the Story of Flowers.

Fixing the Navigation Header

To fix the navigation header, the CSS is relatively simple, relying on the position:fixed element and targeting the <nav> elements:

nav {
	position: fixed;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	flex: 1;
	padding: 0em;
	flex-flow: row;
	display: flex;
	height: 3em;
	border-bottom: rgb(84, 115, 241) solid 1px;
	backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
	z-index: 100;

Whilst this will create a fixed header, it can create other problems.

Adjusting Banner Headers

The problem with fixing a header is that other elements in the website may then become obscured, such as the <header> elements that sit below.

In the example above, the navigation header has a height of 3em, which means that the banner header that sits below it will be partially hidden. To fix this, add the following to your CSS file:

header {
	margin-top: 3em;

Here, you can see the difference illustrated:

The upper image shows the navigation header obscuring the banner header, whilst the lower image shows the correction made when the margin-top for the banner header is set to the height of the navigation banner.

Bookmarks and Anchors

Bookmarks (also called anchors) can also present a problem when combined with a fixed header. This is because the default behavior for browsers is to scroll an anchor to the top of a view port, which means it will also be obscured.

The solution to this problem is surprisingly simple:

html {
  scroll-padding-top: 5.5em;

This piece of CSS overrides the browser’s behaviour by leaving a space above the bookmark when the page is scrolled to it.

Remember to leave a space greater than the thickness of the fixed header. In my case, the fixed <nav> element is 3em, so I have set this to 5.5em.



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