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Multi-line gradient hyperlinks

Posted 18th February 2021

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Use cascading style sheets to create a gradient underline link that will span multiple lines.

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Styling the colour of <pre><code> horizonal scrollbars

Posted 4th December 2020

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Despite the absence of a proper scrollbar colouring standard in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), there is a way to colour the horizontal scrollbar in a <pre><code> block that will work in Edge, Safari, Firefox and Chrome.

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Photograph of a plain-text editor showing computer code

Rebuilding my website: 2020

Posted 25th November 2020

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It’s been seven years since I last re-designed my personal website. Here is a look at the technologies that I used to build my new website.

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Fix a DIV to the top of a page with CSS

Posted 7th February 2014

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Use pure CSS to position a DIV at the top of a web page so that when users scroll down, the DIV will remain visible at the top.

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Responsive images made easy

Posted 17th January 2014


In this era of ‘Responsive Web Design’ where websites need to function well on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop computers, finding a solution for a website’s images can be tricky.

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Cross-domain support for embeded @font-face fonts in Firefox and Internet Explorer

Posted 13th October 2013


A simple approach to getting cross-domain support for embedded @font-face fonts in Firefox and Internet Explorer.

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Creating a pure CSS ‘Print Friendly’ page accessible via a hyperlink

Posted 20th September 2013

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In this tutorial, I shall demonstrate how to create a ‘Print Friendly’ version of your website with pure CSS and how to employ a small piece of JavaScript to make it accessible via a single click.

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Simple CSS menu separators for navigation

Posted 9th September 2013

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Use CSS to Insert an unobtrusive image or a symbol as a separator between unordered or ordered list items that function as a navigation menu.

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Getting started with Responsive Web Design

Posted 9th April 2012


This article provides new users with ten easy-to-follow steps for designing a website on Responsive Web Design principles from scratch. RWD may look complicated, but this article will make it easy for you.

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Create a clickable corner ribbon for your website

Posted 22nd January 2012


Using CSS and simple HTML, easily create a promotional “ribbon” in the corner of your website that will link to another page.

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