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HTTPS for Free

Posted 29th January 2017

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For those wishing to serve their website securely over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) via SSL/TLS, there is now a free option for obtaining the necessary certificates.

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Enabling SSL and HTTPS on a WordPress site

Posted 13th November 2016

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Step-by-step instructions for enabling your WordPress blog or website to be served over HTTPS using SSL or TLS.

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OwnCloud: Create your own private cloud service

Posted 3rd November 2015

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There is a good alternative to DropBox, OneDrive or Google Documents to synchronise your digital life and that is to run your own cloud. Here’s my experience in setting-up an OwnCloud installation.

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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Posted 28th October 2015

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Use .htaccess to redirect all server traffic from HTTP to HTTPS

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