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Batch rename files using a CSV in Python

Posted 19th January 2023

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Use this simple Python script to change hundreds or thousands of file names automatically, based on a CSV. This procedure will work on all operating systems.

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Easily create QR Codes in Word

Posted 16th May 2018


Did you know that it is possible to generate fully-functional QR codes in Microsoft Word using mail merge without the need for third-party plugins?

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Add comments to Excel formulae

Posted 29th September 2016


Are your Excel formulas getting out of control? Here’s an easy method to insert comments, so that you can keep track of what’s what.

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Merge multiple CSVs with PowerShell

Posted 28th June 2016


Use this simple PowerShell script to merge multiple CSV/TSV/TXT files into one.

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Duplicate Excel cells multiple times

Posted 13th April 2016

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Use this Visual Basic script in Microsoft Excel to duplicate cells a specified number of times.

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Rearrange Excel columns via Visual Basic

Posted 16th March 2016


A simple VBA script for rearranging the order of columns in an Excel spreadsheet.

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Convert CSV to XLSX via PowerShell

Posted 9th March 2016


A nifty PowerShell script that will take a delimited CSV file and convert it to a XLSX file.

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VBA: Convert text to columns for all worksheets in Excel

Posted 26th November 2015


A small Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) script which will loop through all sheets in an Excel workbook and convert text to columns.

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Combine multiple CSVs into one XLSX via PowerShell

Posted 25th November 2015


A convenient PowerShell script that will detect all of the CSV files in a directory and merge them into a single XLSX file. Each CSV becomes a worksheet in the XLSX.

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VBA: Delete all Excel columns except those named

Posted 16th September 2015


Use this simple VBA script to delete all columns in a worksheet except those that are specifically named.

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