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Windows Package Manager (Winget) Cheat Sheet

Posted 9th March 2022

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Windows Package Manager is a command-line application for Windows 11 that simplifies the installation and updating of software. It’s easy to use and reasonably reliable.

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Identifying and ranking repeat values in an Excel data series

Posted 9th July 2015


Use Excel to develop a running tally of how many times each particular value in a data series has been repeated.

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Automatically add columns and formulae then fill-down in Excel

Posted 21st January 2015


Some simple VBA code to add columns in Excel, insert specific formulae at the top then fill-down to the bottom of the sheet.

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How to enable the Data Analysis toolpak in Excel 2010

Posted 15th February 2013


Instructions for adding the Data Analysis tool pack to Microsoft Excel

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Create a clickable corner ribbon for your website

Posted 22nd January 2012


Using CSS and simple HTML, easily create a promotional “ribbon” in the corner of your website that will link to another page.

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Block internet advertisements with your hosts file

Posted 20th October 2011

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Use your computer’s ‘hosts’ file to make sure you never see advertisements on the internet again.

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Welcome to ‘code.adonline’

Posted 13th June 2011

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Adam Dimech launches a brand new coding and web development blog.

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