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Divide Label Studio YOLO annotation files into training and validation sets

Posted 17th October 2024

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Label Studio is an open-source data-labelling platform used to prepare training data for machine learning models.

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Download and extract a tarball in Python

Posted 9th October 2024

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A simple method for downloading a tarball from the internet and then extracting its contents in Python.

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Crop images in Python with array indexes

Posted 22nd May 2024

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The advantage of this simple procedure for image cropping is that there’s no need to install special image manipulation packages.

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Jupyter Notebook in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Posted 24th October 2023

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Here’s a procedure for enabling Jupyter Notebooks to run on a Windows brower from a Linux environment on the same machine.

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Flattening nested lists or arrays in Python

Posted 2nd June 2023

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There may be a requirement to flatten a list of lists in Python in order to extract useful information more easily. Here’s a procedure for flatting nested lists using NumPy.

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Batch rename files using a CSV in Python

Posted 19th January 2023

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Use this simple Python script to change hundreds or thousands of file names automatically, based on a CSV. This procedure will work on all operating systems.

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List directory contents in CSV file using Python

Posted 18th January 2023

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Do you need to compile a list of all of the files in a folder or directory? This can be automated using a simple Python script which will save a list of the files (and their full paths) into a CSV file that can be read in Excel.

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Structuring elements in Python

Posted 1st September 2022

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Some simple methods to generate structuring elements as part of an image morphology pipeline in Python.

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Add your Conda environment to your Jupyter Notebook

Posted 31st May 2022

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By default, Jupyter Notebook will only display a single kernel (called ipykernel) when installed in a new environment. Here’s a procedure for choosing another Conda environment in a Jupyter Notebook.

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Blob analysis with OpenCV in Python

Posted 10th December 2021

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Here’s my methodology for performing a blob analysis from binary images in OpenCV using Python code.

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