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Launching “.au Direct”

Posted 24th March 2022

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Australia’s domain name manager auDA (.au Domain Administration) today launched the direct registration of .au domain names.

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Connect an RStudio project to Github

Posted 23rd March 2022

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Use GitHub to back-up your R projects within RStudio and ensure you maintain version control.

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Windows Package Manager (Winget) Cheat Sheet

Posted 9th March 2022

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Windows Package Manager is a command-line application for Windows 11 that simplifies the installation and updating of software. It’s easy to use and reasonably reliable.

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Blob analysis with OpenCV in Python

Posted 10th December 2021

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Here’s my methodology for performing a blob analysis from binary images in OpenCV using Python code.

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Fit an inscribing circle to a shape in OpenCV

Posted 30th October 2021

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The largest possible circle that can be drawn interior to a plane figure is called an inscribing circle. This can easily be fitted to a binary shape in OpenCV.

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Run Linux GUI apps in Windows 11

Posted 27th October 2021

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Use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run Linux graphical user interface (GUI) programmes in Windows.

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Install apps on Windows without Microsoft Store

Posted 19th October 2021


How can you install Microsoft Store apps on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 machine if your administrator has blocked Windows Store?

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Install Windows Subsystem for Linux in Windows 11

Posted 14th October 2021

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With the release of Windows 11 comes a vastly easier method for installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on your PC.

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MyGov versus the Service Victoria app

Posted 12th October 2021

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My experience adding my COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate to the Service Victoria app on an Android phone. It took a few goes.

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Skip cells when running Jupyter Notebook scripts

Posted 27th September 2021

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There is a surprisingly simple way to turn off specific cells in Jupyter Notebook without having to manually comment-out chunks of code.

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